Commercial & Residential Leases
Roundtree Tarpey Solicitors | Dublin
We advise both commercial landlords and tenants in the drafting and negotiation of commercial leases, for both short terms and long terms. We advise fully on repairing obligations, renewal rights, insurance obligations, service charges, and rent review clauses for both landlord and tenant.
We are aware that the prohibition on ‘upwards only’ Rent Reviews can be challenging for our clients. We draft, negotiate and implement Deeds of Renunciation, Compensation Claims, Statutory Leases and various other side agreements which are now common in a modern landlord and tenant relationship.
New owners need quality advice on how best to structure a lease while incoming tenants (especially from outside Ireland) need to be advised about lease structures, typical terms, covenants and conditions and potential opportunities. The legislative landscape is complex and challenging and we help our clients navigate it so that they can focus on what they do best.
Our Services include:
Investigation of Title and Planning
Agreements for Lease & Development Agreements
Drafting and Negotiating Commercial Leases
Fit-out Agreements
Side Agreements – Rent Free Periods, Break Clauses
Temporary Convenience Lettings, Kiosk licences and Concession arrangements
Rent Reviews
Schedules of Dilapidations resolution of disputes on Repairs and Condition
Concession, Franchise and Licence agreements
We can advise you, whether you are a landlord or a tenant, in relation to the drafting of the terms of a residential lease, the law governing residential tenancies in Ireland, and the role of the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB).
The Residential Tenancies Board was set up under the Residential Tenancies Act 2004. It was formerly called the Private Residential Tenancies Board (PRTB) but its name was changed to the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB), when approved housing bodies (housing associations) were brought under its remit by the Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2015.
The legislation deals with the registration and regulation of both mainstream private rented housing and the approved housing body sector. The Acts set out the rights and obligations of both landlords and tenants in these sectors, while certain types of rented property are excluded from the scope of Acts.